The EU Food Contact Legislation

Learning by doing: This training includes practical exercises and will explain how food contact materials (FCM) are regulated in the EU. It will cover a wide range of topics, from the fundamentals of EU FCM legislation – notably providing guidance on establishing compliance with EU requirements – to the latest developments and "hot topics" in the EU market, including mineral oil and BPA.

ÜbersichtProgrammReferent:innenVeranstaltungsortPreise & Leistungen


Framework Regulation, Safety Assessment, Compliance, Case Studies

This training is aiming to explain the regulation and non-regulation of food contact materials in the EU with distinction to the REACH and biocidal products regulations. It covers in particular the different regulation techniques for food contact materials (requirements for specific materials or substances, migration limits, declaration of conformity etc.) and explains the application of this legislation with reference to current cases and „hot topics“ on the EU market, including mineral oil and bisphenol A (BPA).

Learning by doing: This training includes practical exercises.

Learning objectives

  • Know the basic EU Regulations with regards to food contact materials
  • Understand the challenges of non-harmonised materials in the EU including paper, coatings, rubber, printing inks
  • Understand the Technical Guidance for demonstrating compliance in the EU including testing requirements for plastics and other FCM, toxicity considerations and NIAS evaluations
  • Learn about the EU policies and strategies affecting FCM

Practical exercise 1 on regulation techniques

In this case study, you will understand what food contact materials are and where and how they are regulated in the EU. Your questions and contributions to the discussion are expressly welcome.

Practical exercise 2 on EU Regulations in detail

You will study cases and familiarise yourself with the EU Regulations with regards to food contact materials.

Practical exercise 3 on the application of the legislation

You will try to apply your knowledge of EU Regulation with regards to food contact materials to cases that have been discussed at EU level or have been raised by consumer protection organisations.

Who should attend this training?

Regulatory, scientific, quality assurance and legal professionals throughout the food packaging supply chain who want to keep up-to-date on the latest food packaging law developments in Europe

Picture Credit: © colematt –, © Alexander Limbach – AdobeStock



Timings are in Central European Time CET.

Tuesday, 11 March 2025 | 9:45 – 15:00 CET
Login Time
Start of the Online Training: Welcome address by Akademie Fresenius and introduction of the trainer

Karola Krell Zbinden, Food Lex, Switzerland

Introduction of food contact materials
  • What they are
  • Where they are regulated
  • How they are regulated
Q&A Session
Practical exercise 1 on regulation techniques
Requirements, e.g. for specific materials or substances, migration limits and declaration of conformity – Get an overview!

In this case study, you will understand what food contact materials are and where and how they are regulated in the EU. Your questions and contributions to the discussion are expressly welcome.

Presentation and discussion of the results
EU Regulations in detail
  • Framework Regulation
  • Regulations of materials and substances
  • GMP Regulation
  • Declaration of conformity
  • Assessment of non-regulated materials and substances
  • Testing requirements for plastics and other FCM
  • Toxicity considerations
Q&A Session
Practical exercise 2 on EU Regulations in detail
Learning by doing: Practical training
  • Case law

You will study cases and familiarise yourself with the EU Regulations with regards to food contact materials.
Presentation and discussion of the results
Lunch break
FCM in the context of EU policies and strategies
  • Update on evaluation of the EU food contact legislation
  • New EU chemicals strategy for sustainability and its potential impact
  • EU implementation of the Single-Use Plastics Directive (EU Strategy for Plastics in Circular Economy, ...)
  • Green claims (Recyclable and recycled content claims, compostability, biodegradability, ...)
Practical exercise 3 on the application of the legislation with reference to current cases and “hot topics” in the EU market

You will try to apply your knowledge of EU Regulation with regards to food contact materials to cases that have been discussed at EU level or have been raised by consumer protection organisations.

Presentation and discussion of the results
Questions and answers
End of the online training




Krell Zbinden

Karola Krell Zbinden

Law firm Food Lex, Switzerland

Karola Krell Zbinden is a Swiss Lawyer and the founder and owner of the lawfirm Food Lex in Berne. Food Lex advises companies on legal and practical questions regarding the marketing of food, feed and consumer goods in Switzerland. Karola Krell Zbinden is Managing Director of 6 Swiss Food Industry Associations which connect Food Lex to many different industries, Federal Offices and Cantonal Authorities.



Online Training
This training is going to be held online.
You can reach us directly at:
Telefon : +49 231 75896-50

Preise & Leistungen

Teilnahmepreis: € 645,00 zzgl. MwSt.

Im Teilnahmepreis sind folgende Leistungen enthalten:

  • Teilnahme an der Online-Veranstaltung
  • Veranstaltungsdokumentation zum Download
  • Teilnahmezertifikat

Bei gemeinsamer Anmeldung aus einem Unternehmen erhalten die dritte und jede weitere Person 15 % Rabatt.

Buchen ohne Risiko
Die Teilnahme an unseren Online-Veranstaltungen können Sie bis zu 1 Woche vor Veranstaltungsbeginn kostenfrei und ohne Angabe von Gründen schriftlich stornieren. Bei späteren Stornierungen sowie bei Nicht-Login zur Online-Veranstaltung können keine Teilnahmegebühren erstattet werden.
Sie erhalten jedoch in diesem Fall von uns nach der Veranstaltung Zugang zu den Dokumentationsunterlagen.
Eine Ersatzperson können Sie jederzeit kostenfrei benennen.

Sabine Mummenbrauer

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

Sabine Mummenbrauer
Inhalt und Konzeption

+49 231 75896-82

Sabine Mummenbrauer

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

Sabine Mummenbrauer
Inhalt und Konzeption

+49 231 75896-82

Sabine Mummenbrauer

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

Sabine Mummenbrauer
Inhalt und Konzeption

+49 231 75896-82

Jennifer Zerth

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

Jennifer Zerth
Organisation und Teilnehmermanagement

+49 231 75896-79

Jennifer Zerth

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

Jennifer Zerth
Organisation und Teilnehmermanagement

+49 231 75896-79

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Monika Stratmann

Monika Stratmann
Telefon: +49 231 75896-48


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Katharina Geraridis

Katharina Geraridis
Telefon: +49 231 75896-67