Residues of PFAS in Food

During this online conference representatives from the regulatory authorities, the food industry as well as from the scientific fields are presenting the most pressing questions on how to deal with PFAS in food including food contact materials.

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Contaminants like PFAS are strictly regulated within the European Union. The risk management and toxicological assessment of contaminants, essential to produce compliant products, poses challenges across the entire food industry.

The conference brings together representatives from regulatory and industry backgrounds, as well as political decision-makers to discuss the latest regulatory developments. It keeps track of scientific progress, advances in food analysis and recent developments in risk assessment.


  • European Community policy on perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in food
  • Restriction of PFAS under REACH
  • Restriction of PFAS under the framework of the new Drinking Water Directive
  • The German representative food monitoring with focus on PFAS
  • Perfluoro compounds in food contact materials
  • Toxicology of short-chain and long-chain PFAS
  • Parts per trillion levels of PFAS in food

Who should attend this conference?

Professionals working in the fields of:

  • Analysis
  • Quality assurance & control
  • Product safety
  • Raw material control
  • Regulatory affairs & support
  • Research & development
  • Toxicology

Sectors taking part:

  • Food and drink industry
  • Food retailing
  • Packaging industry
  • Food inspection offices
  • Laboratories
  • Research institutes
  • Authorities
  • Professional associations

Picture Credit: © AdobeStock – la_puma



Thursday, 4 May 2023

Timings are in Central European Summer Time, CEST.

Morning Session | 9:00 – 11:50
Login Time
Welcome address by Akademie Fresenius and introduction by the Chairs

Thomas Simat, Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), Germany
Thomas Gude, SQTS, Switzerland

EU policy on perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in food

Veerle Vanheusden, European Commission, Belgium

Restriction of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) under REACH
  • Scope of the proposed PFAS restriction and potential implications for the food sector (e.g. FCM, paper and board)
  • REACH restriction process and possibilities for contribution
  • Potential timing of the PFAS restriction

Frauke Averbeck, Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA), Germany

Short break
Restriction of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) under the framework of the new Drinking Water Directive

Alexander Eckhardt, German Federal Environment Agency (UBA), Germany

How do which substances get into the environment from which sources?

Which substances do exist? How is it distributed in the environment? Where does it come from?

Norina Aßhoff, Chemical and Veterinary Analytical Institute Münsterland-Emscher-Lippe (CVUA-MEL), Germany

Afternoon Session | 12:50 – 16:10
The German representative food monitoring with focus on PFAS

Michael Jud, Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL), Germany

Perfluoro compounds in food contact materials, e.g. coatings, paper additives, teflon

Thomas Simat, Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), Germany

Short break
Toxicology of short-chain and long-chain PFAS – view from the WFSR

Ron Hoogenboom, Wageningen Food Safety Research (WFSR), The Netherlands

Toxicology of short-chain and long-chain PFAS – view from the German BfR

Franziska Kupprat, German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), Germany

Short break
Parts per trillion levels of PFAS in food

Xanthippe Theurillat, Nestlé Research, Switzerland

End of the online conference






Frauke Averbeck

Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA), Germany

Frauke Averbeck is working in the Unit “Evaluation of Chemicals and Risk Management” at the German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA) in Dortmund/Germany. Amongst other tasks in the context of the REACH Regulation she is coordinating the German authorities’ work as well as co-leading, together with her Dutch colleagues, the common efforts of the five Member States proposing a comprehensive ban of PFASs under the REACH Regulation.


Norina Aßhoff

Chemical and Veterinary Analytical Institute Münsterland-Escher-Lippe, Germany

Norina Aßhoff is a Food Chemist and joined the Chemical and Veterinary Analytical Institute Münsterland-Emscher-Lippe as a PhD student in 2022.


Alexander Eckhardt

German Federal Environment Agency (UBA), Germany

Alexander Eckhardt is a Biologist and regulatory scientist at the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) in Bad Elster/Germany in the sub-department “Toxicology of Drinking Water and Swimming Pool Water”. Since 2015 he has been a specialist toxicologist of the DGPT and European Registered Toxicologist. As a member of the WHO Technical Advisory Group on Water Quality and Health (WQTAG), he is involved in updating the Guidelines for Drinking-Water Quality. He is also a member of the Working Group Toxicology of PFAS of the German Drinking Water Commission.


Thomas Gude

SQTS Swiss Quality Testing Services, Switzerland

Thomas Gude has been the Deputy Head of SQTS, Switzerland, for over 18 years. He is heading the laboratories dealing with food and non-food analysis as well as with risk assessments.


Ron Hoogenboom

Wageningen Food Safety Research (WFSR), The Netherlands

Ron Hoogenboom is the Assistant Programme Leader Food Contaminants at Wageningen Food Safety Research, dealing with environmental contaminants, pesticides and toxins from moulds, algae and plants. Since 2012 he has been a member of the EFSA CONTAM Panel and was the vice-chair of the WG on PFAS.


Michael Jud

German Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL), Germany

Michael Jud is a Food Chemist and Senior Scientific Officer in the Unit \"Monitoring Strategy and Coordination\" of the Food Safety Department at the German Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL). Being engaged in the BVL since 2002, the focus of his interest lies within the implementation of EU regulations regarding industrial and environmental contaminants as well as persistent organic pollutants in food. He is a member of several EC expert groups on contaminants in food and of the German delegation to the Codex alimentarius Committee on contaminants in Foods (CCCF).


Franziska Kupprat

German Federal Institue for Risk Assessment, Germany

Franziska Kupprat is a Biologist and has been working as a Scientist in the Department of Chemicals and Product Safety at the German Federal Institute for Risk Assesssment (BfR) in Berlin since 2020. She is involved in various REACH and CLP processes in the Unit for Chemical safety at BfR. Her main focus is on the evaluation of human health hazards in the universal PFAS restriction proposal.


Thomas Simat

Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), Germany

Thomas Simat has been a Professor and the Chair of Food Science and FCM at the Technische Universität Dresden with research on FCM since 2003. He is the Chairman of the ‘German BfR Committee on Consumer Products’’.


Xanthippe Theurillat

Nestlé Research, Switzerland

Xanthippe Theurillat is an Analytical Chemist and a specialist in the Analytical Science Department in the field of food contaminants at Nestlé Research in Lausanne, Switzerland. In 2012, she joined the Regional Swiss Official Food Control Laboratory in Lausanne as a scientific expert in the contaminants section. Since 2015, she is working at the Nestlé Research in Lausanne with a specific focus on the method development in the domain of contaminants, like pesticides, emerging and process contaminants and lately PFAS. Moreover, she participated in projects for the mechanistic understanding of process contaminants which allowed to publish subsequently patent applications.


Veerle Vanheusden

European Commission, Belgium

Veerle Vanheusden is a Policy Officer in DG SANTE of the European Commission. She joined the European Commission in 2013, where she worked for four years in the Unit “Pesticides and Biocides”. In 2017 she moved to the Unit dealing with food processing technologies and novel foods, where her main area of activity is the EU policy and legislation on contaminants. She has previously worked in the private pharmaceutical sector.



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