Residues of Mineral Oil and Synthetic Hydrocarbons in Food

During this online conference, representatives from the regulatory authorities, the industry as well as from the scientific fields are presenting the most pressing questions on how to deal with mineral oil hydrocarbons in food including food contact materials.

Garantierte Durchführung
20.03. — 21.03.2025
Online Conference
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ÜbersichtProgrammReferent:innenVeranstaltungsortPreise & Leistungen


Residues like mineral oil hydrocarbons are strictly regulated within the European Union. The risk management and toxicological assessment of residues, essential to produce compliant products, poses challenges across the entire food industry.

This conference brings together representatives from regulatory and industry backgrounds, as well as political decision-makers to discuss the latest regulatory developments. It keeps track of scientific progress, advances in food analysis and recent developments in risk assessment.


  • European Community policy on mineral oil hydrocarbons (MOH) in food
  • Perspective of the EU Member States in relation to the planned regulation by the European Commission
  • National handling of the ScoPAFF declaration and the experiences
  • The German official control laboratory on analytical challenges
  • Activities of the EURL-PC and challenges of harmonising MOSH/MOAH analyses
  • Conclusions from seven years of MOSH and MOAH proficiency testing
  • Results of a Swiss FSVO project on the characterisation and quantification of MOAH
  • The MOSH/MOAH issue from the perspective of the food industry
  • The French Mineral Oil Order and recommendations from the packaging industry

Who should attend this conference?

Professionals working in the fields of:

  • Quality assurance & control
  • Product safety
  • Analysis
  • Raw material control
  • Regulatory affairs & support
  • Research & development
  • Toxicology

Sectors taking part:

  • Food and drink industry
  • Packaging industry
  • Food retailing
  • Food inspection offices
  • Laboratories
  • Research institutes
  • Authorities
  • Professional associations

Picture Credits: © YoGinta – AdobeStock, © VectorMine – AdobeStock



Thursday, 20 March 2025

The indicated times refer to Central European Time CET.

Afternoon Session | 13:30 – 17:50
Welcome address by Akademie Fresenius and introduction by the Chairs

Thomas Gude, Thomas Gude, Switzerland
Thomas Simat, Technische Universität Dresden (TUD), Germany

Regulatory issues
Recent and future developments of the EU legislation in the field of mineral oil hydrocarbons in food

Veerle Vanheusden, European Commission, Belgium

Handling of the ScoPAFF declaration by the competent authority in the Netherlands
  • Start of the discussion based on import/product volumes and MOAH occurrence data
  • Consultation of associations and impact analysis
  • Current enforcement strategy
  • Results of enforcement strategy

Els Biesta-Peters, Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA), The Netherlands

EU Member State perspective on temporary risk management under the SCoPAFF agreement and outlook on the announced EU regulation

Rüdiger Helling, Saxon State Ministry for Social Affairs and Consumer Protection, Germany

NGO perspective
When will consumers be safe from mineral oil contamination?

foodwatch‘s critical voice on the state of play

  • Are decision-makers doing everything possible forconsumer health?
  • What still needs to be done?

Suzy Sumner, foodwatch, EU office, Belgium

Analytical situation
Analytical challenges in the focus of the official food control

Lydia Richter, State Institute for Chemical and Veterinary Control (CVUA) Stuttgart, Germany

Harmonisation of the analytical method for total MOSH and MOAH determination in food and further characterisation of the fractions

Alexander Montoya-Arroyo, EU Reference Laboratory for Processing Contaminants (EUR-PC) and National Food Institute at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark

End of the first conference day

Friday, 21 March 2025

The indicated times refer to Central European Time CET.

Morning Session | 9:15 – 14:00
Conclusion from seven years of MOSH/MOAH proficiency testing: How reliable are the results?
  • MOSH/MOAH a plug-and-play technique?
  • Can a single lab cover the broad scope of matrices?
  • A long way from in-house methods to standardisation

Birgit Schindler, PROOF-ACS, Germany

What's behind? Advanced techniques for mineral oil analysis – from LC-GC to GC×GC up to ring separation

Eileen Schulz, Institut Kirchhoff, Mérieux NutriSciences, Germany

Characterisation and quantification of MOAH by ring system and degree of alkylation in foods contaminated with mineral oil
  • EFSA highlighting gaps in MOAH characterisation, focusing on count of aromatic rings and alkylation’s role in toxicity
  • Method extension: Enhancing GC×GC to quantify ≥3 ring MOAH and alkylation degree
  • Screening of foods potentially contaminated with MOAH, with detailed analysis of contaminated samples

Maurus Biedermann, Official Food Control Authority of the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland

Manufacturers’ perspective
Ongoing mineral oil developments – recent recommendations and statements from ECMA
  • The ECMA statement from 2023
  • The French order (content, specific approach and expressed concerns from an end user perspective)
  • The need for accurate communication in supply chains

Jan Cardon, ECMA (The European Carton Makers Association), Belgium

The MOH issue from the perspective of the German Spice Association

A member of the German Spice Association, Germany

The MOSH/MOAH issue from the perspective of an oils and fats supplier
  • Neglected supply chain of some oils and fats (coconut, olive and others) – showing some existing risks of migration of MOH
  • „Option 3“ – good approach / compromise from the point of risk-assessment vs. reality
  • Looking ahead: What effects the MOSH/MOAH limits have so far and could have in the future?
  • How to mitigate and support the food stakeholders to decrease the migration step by step

Claus-Michael Brieber, Henry Lamotte Oils, Germany

End of the online conference





Maurus Biedermann

Official Food Control Authority of the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland

Maurus Biedermann is a Chemical Analyst and Laboratory Head at the Official Food Control Authority of the Canton of Zurich. He has more than 30 years of experience in food analysis and was involved in the development of large volume on-column GC injection and the on-line coupling of HPLC with GC.


Els Biesta-Peters

NVWA - Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority, The Netherlands

Els Biesta-Peters has a bachelor degree in Food Technology, a master degree in Food Safety and a Ph.D. degree in Food Microbiology. She has been working as a Coordinating Inspector for the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA) in the field of chemical and microbiological safety of food products since 2022. She joined NVWA in 2011 and has experience with scientific research, method development and running monitoring programs, specifically in the field of veterinary medicinal products in products of animal origin. She was Project Leader for development, implementation and performance of molecular and classical microbiological methods as well as investigation and management of food borne outbreaks.


Claus-Michael Brieber

Henry Lamotte Oils, Germany

Claus-Michael Brieber is a Food Technologist. He has been the Lead Quality and R&D at Henry Lamotte Oils in Bremen since 2020 where he has been responsible for all topics around quality, regulatory, food-safety. Earlier he was Lead Quality Management of the European Carl Kühne group, where he was responsible for the quality of their products (and coordinating the field of people safety) in Germany, France & Turkey. Eearlier he also joined international food-companies like Nestlé, Fuchs-Spices, Bofrost* and Bunge.


Jan Cardon

European Carton Makers Association (ECMA), Belgium

Jan Cardon is a Commercial Engineer and he has been working in different positions for paper and board converting associations, both at the Belgian and European level since 1989. Currently he is Technical Advisor of ECMA and from the staff side in charge of the ECMA Food Safety Committee. Within this platform of committed senior experts, the FCM related sector positions are defined and guidance is provided for the membership.


Thomas Gude

Independent Consultant, Switzerland

Thomas Gude is Managing Director of Thomas Gude GmbH, which specialises in consulting in the areas of food contact materials, food and non-food. After about 30 years with authorities, the pharmaceutical and chemical industries and a long time as the operational manager of a Swiss laboratory, he now deals with risk assessments, especially in the food contact and consumer goods sector. In addition, he teaches at various universities and technical colleges, in particular at ETH Zurich.


Rüdiger Helling

Saxon State Ministry for Social Affairs and Consumer Protection, Germany

Rüdiger Helling worked as Head of the Food Contact Materials and Consumer Goods Section at the Saxon State Laboratory for Public and Veterinary Health for 14 years and is member of several scientific advisory committees. In his current position as Head of Division at the Saxon State Ministry for Social Affairs and Cohesion he is responsible for the whole diversity of not only contaminants in food.


Alexander Montoya-Arroyo

EU Reference Laboratory for Processing Contaminants (EUR-PC) and National Food Institute (DTU) at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark

Alexander Montoya-Arroyo has been a Postdoctoral Researcher at the DTU-National Food Institute, at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) since 2024. He is part of the Research Group Analytical Food Chemistry and the European Reference Laboratory for Processing Contaminants. Earlier he studied Food Technology at the University of Costa Rica and obtained his Masters degree in Biomedical Sciences at the University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica. Afterwards he received his PhD in Human Nutrition at the University of Hohenheim, Germany.


Lydia Richter

State Institute for Chemical and Veterinary Control (CVUA) Stuttgart, Germany

Lydia Richter is a Food Chemist and Head of Laboratory at the Chemical and Veterinary Official Control Laboratory (CVUA) Stuttgart. Her main area of work is focused on method development for gas chromatography analysis of FCM and body contact materials and supervision of the research project for the establishment of mineral oil analysis at CVUA Stuttgart. She is a member of the ‘German BfR Committee on Consumer Products’. Ich drücke die Daumen und entschuldige mich vielmals die zeitliche Verzögerung.


Birgit Schindler

PROOF-ACS, Germany

Birgit Schindler operates and generally manages the business of PROOF-ACS from the very beginning in 2013 until today. She has in-depth, hands-on experience in analytical method development in complex matrixes and in method validation. As a research scientist she published several articles in high-ranking international journals. She has multi-annual experiences with External Quality Assessment Schemes from both perspectives: of the participant as well as of the organiser.


Eileen Schulz

Institut Kirchhoff, Mérieux NutriSciences, Germany

Eileen Schulz is a Food Chemist and has been Manager of the Silliker® Food Science Center at Kirchhoff Institut, Mérieux NutriSciences, since 2020. She joined the Kirchhoff Institut in 2009 to lead the departments of contaminants and pesticides and became Head of the laboratory in 2020.


Thomas Simat

Technische Universität Dresden, Germany

Thomas Simat has been a Professor and the Chair of Food Science and FCM at the Technische Universität Dresden with research on FCM since 2003. He is the Chairman of the ‘German BfR Committee on Consumer Products’’.


Suzy Sumner

foodwatch, Belgium

Suzy Sumner is based in Brussels for foodwatch international. She is responsible for bringing the foodwatch campaigning voice to the core of the EU and making foodwatch better known among some of the key players in and around the EU institutions. She monitors what is happening at EU level and is also part of many of the campaign teams feeding in the EU dimension. Suzy is particularly interested in what happens behind the scenes in the EU bubble and bringing more transparency to decision making.


Veerle Vanheusden

European Commission, Belgium

Veerle Vanheusden is a Policy Officer in DG SANTE of the European Commission. She joined the European Commission in 2013, where she worked for four years in the Unit “Pesticides and Biocides”. In 2017 she moved to the Unit dealing with food processing technologies and novel foods, where her main area of activity is the EU policy and legislation on contaminants. She has previously worked in the private pharmaceutical sector.



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