For producers, importers and downstream users of biocidal products, this conference has become a perfect platform for receiving all the latest updates and for meeting peers. It will be providing information on the current regulatory developments as well as on the implementation of the BPR in the various EU member states.
The biocides industry is constantly moving: new regulatory requirements, sustainability aspects and a long and complex application process – staying on top of things is vital to master these challenges.
For many years, the Akademie Fresenius Conference “The Biocidal Products Regulation” has been the perfect platform for bringing together the regulatory, industrial and consulting communities. Sit in on important discussions, receive practical recommendations and get insights into future developments, all in a pleasant conference atmosphere. It's the place to be to bring your issues to the table, to meet your peers and to build a network.
Regulatory Updates from the Authorities
Legal and Regulatory Challenges
Technical and Scientific Requirements
Professionals working in the fields of:
Sectors that should take part:
Picture Credit: © Gman73 –, Jacek Fulawka –
Vera Ritz, German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), Germany
Michael Werner, Stockmeier Chemie, Germany
Chiara Pecorini, European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), Finland (virtually)
Lucas Kalkers, Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides (Ctgb), The Netherlands
Isabelle Attig, French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES), France
Elodie Collin, French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES), France
Nicolaj Heuer, Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA), Germany
Boris Van Berlo, Biocides for Europe (Cefic), Belgium
Madalena Koch, UPL, Germany
Elaine Black, Ecolab, Ireland
Marcel Hulsman, ERM, The Netherlands
Vera Ritz, German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), Germany
Michael Werner, Stockmeier Chemie, Germany
Eugen Anwander, Institute for Environment and Food Safety, Vorarlberg State Service, Austria and Vice Chair of the BPR Subgroup in ECHA‘s Enforcement Forum
Henning Krüger, ChemLaw, Germany
Michael Werner, Stockmeier Chemie, Germany
Lydia Pape, knoell Germany, Germany
Vera Ritz, German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), Germany
Eugen Anwander
Institute for Environment and Food Safety, Chair of the BPR Subgroup in ECH Vorarlberg State Service, Austria / ViceA's Enforcement Forum, Finland
Eugen Anwander has been employed at the Federal State Government Service Vorarlberg in the Institute for Environment and Food Safety and the Chemical Safety Unit since 1992. Being a chemical inspector, he is currently the Vice-Chair of the Biocidal Products Regulation Subgroup within the ECHA Enforcement Forum.
mehrwenigerIsabelle Attig
French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES), France
Isabelle Attig has been Deputy to the Director in charge of Biocides and Head of the Coordination Unit for Biocides Assessment since 2024. Previously, she was Head of the Biocides Efficacy Unit at ANSES from 2008 to 2024. Isabelle holds Master’s degrees in Biotechnology and Plant Productivity.
mehrwenigerElaine Black
Ecolab, Ireland
Elaine Black is Director of Regulatory Affairs, EU Biocide Active Substances, for Ecolab. In this role, Elaine is responsible for overseeing Ecolab’s European portfolio of Active Substances, the foundations of the biocidal products portfolio that cater to Industrial, Healthcare, Food and Beverage, Hospitality, Retail, Animal Health and Life Science sectors. Previously, Elaine held roles as Director of Food Safety and Public Health and Director of Agency Relations for Ecolab in the USA. She has held external positions in US Chemical Trade Associations HCPA and ACC’s Centre for Biocide Chemistries in addition to serving on McDonalds Food Safety Board and Marriott’s Global Cleanliness Council. Elaine holds a PhD and BSc from University College Cork in Microbiology and Food Science.
mehrwenigerElodie Collin
French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES), France
Elodie Collin joined ANSES in 2013 to work on consumer safety in the field of plant protection products and biocides and has been deputy head of the Residues and Food Safety Unit of the regulated products assessment department since 2025. She has been a member of the BPC ad-hoc working group ARTFood (Assessment of Residue Transfer to Food) since 2020.
mehrwenigerNicolaj Heuer
Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA), Germany
Nicolaj Heuer is an Environmental Researcher with a focus on environmental toxicology, currently working in the Federal Office for Chemicals (BfC) at the German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA), where his focus is on CLP. He previously worked as scientific associate at RWTH Aachen University.
mehrwenigerMarcel Hulsman
ERM, The Netherlands
Marcel Hulsman is a Partner in ERM’s Sustainable Product & Supply Chain team. He has over 25 years of experience working in the specialty chemical industry, consultancy and governmental agencies including the Ctgb (Board for the authorisation of plant protection products and biocides, NL). Starting at ERM in 2021, he supports clients in providing regulatory awareness, advocacy and strategic advice on biocidal product Authorisation and active substance approval. His focus includes the broader developments in EU chemicals, environmental and sustainability policies, covering e.g. the implications of the EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability. Marcel holds an MSc in Chemical Engineering and a PhD in Analytical Chemistry from the University of Twente (NL).
mehrwenigerLucas Kalkers
Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides (Ctgb), The Netherlands
Lucas Kalkers is Senior Policy Advisor at the Dutch Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides (Ctgb). He started his career by implementing the Common Agricultural Policy at the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture and moved to the biocides area over thirteen years ago, managing the authorisations and intellectual property for a multinational enterprise. Lucas joined the Dutch evaluating authority (Ctgb) in 2016, for which he is a member of the Expert Group for Competent Authorities in Brussels. He is also appointed as regulatory advisor for the Netherlands at the Standing Committee on Biocidal Products and as the alternate member of ECHA’s Biocidal Products Committee. Lucas has a master’s degree in biology from Wageningen University, followed by a postgraduate program at Utrecht University.
mehrwenigerMadalena Koch
UPL, Germany
Madalena Koch is European Regulatory Manager at UPL and has dedicated nearly 20 years to the biocides sector. In her previous position as Regulatory Manager at a service provider, she developed her expertise in the EU biocidal products regulation. In 2022, Madalena joined UPL, where she is in charge of active substances and manages the authorization and renewal of related formulations, both biocidal and plant protection products. Madalena holds a diploma in chemical engineering from Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisbon, Portugal.
mehrwenigerHenning Krüger
ChemLaw, Germany
Henning Krüger is a lawyer at the Dortmund-based law firm ChemLaw, specialised on chemical regulations (BPR, REACH, CLP, Cosmetics etc.). He advises companies from production and trade on product compliance and product stewardship projects and in connection with the drafting of contracts in the supply chain. He also represents companies in corresponding regulatory and judicial proceedings at national and European level and in competition law disputes with competitors. Having worked for several years as the responsible lawyer for the Federal Chemicals Agency at the German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA), Henning is very familiar with all issues of European and national chemicals law.
mehrwenigerLydia Pape
knoell Germany
Lydia Pape is a Principal Environmental Fate Scientist at knoell with more than 13 years of experience in environmental fate and exposure assessment. She has a background in geoecology, biogeochemistry, and atmospheric chemistry. As a regulatory project manager, she provides scientific and regulatory advice and develops strategies for active substance approval and product authorization in the crop protection regulatory area. At knoell, she is currently leading an interdisciplinary team of regulatory scientists focusing on the practical implementation of the EFSA guidance document on the impact of drinking water treatment processes for the pesticides and biocides regulatory areas.
mehrwenigerChiara Pecorini
European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), Finland
Chiara Pecorini joined the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) in 2013 and is currently leading the Biocidal Products team in the Biocidal Products Unit. Before joining ECHA, she worked in the Chemical Assessment and Testing Unit at the European Commission - Joint Research Centre in Ispra. Before joining the European Commission, she held a post-doctoral fellowship at the Veterinary Medicine Faculty of the University of Milano. She also collaborated with the French National Institute for Agricultural Research and was a visiting research associate at the Department of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Colorado Denver. Chiara holds a master’s degree in veterinary biotechnology and a PhD in biotechnology applied to veterinary and zootechnical sciences.
mehrwenigerVera Ritz
German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), Germany
Vera Ritz is Head of the Unit „Steering and Overall Assessment Biocides“ in the Department „Pesticides Safety“ at the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) in Berlin. She has been working at the BfR since 2006 and is involved in assessments, conceptual and research activities regarding EDs.
mehrwenigerBoris Van Berlo
Biocides for Europe (Cefic), Belgium
Boris Van Berlo has a PhD in catalysis from the KU Leuven. His biocides journey started 15 years ago at the Belgian Competent Authority. In 2019, he joined Biocides For Europe, a sector group of the European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic) where he currently leads the biocides team.
mehrwenigerMichael Werner
Stockmeier Chemie, Germany
Michael Werner is a chemist as well as a certified (DGPT) and Eurotox registered toxicologist. He worked for various consultancies as well as the chemical and plant protection industries and has almost 30 years of experience in human health hazard, exposure and risk assessments for PPPs, biocides and industrial chemicals. Michael has been working on biocides for nearly 20 years with a focus on human health, efficacy and regulatory aspects in almost all product types including the assessment of the potential endocrine disrupting properties of active substances and biocidal products including their discussion and defence before regulatory authorities at national and EU level. At Stockmeier Chemie, Michael is heading the regulatory affairs department with a strong focus on biocides in general.
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Claudia Werner
Inhalt und Konzeption
+49 231 75896-83
Claudia Werner
Inhalt und Konzeption
+49 231 75896-83
Claudia Werner
Inhalt und Konzeption
+49 231 75896-83
Alexandra Schardt
Organisation und Teilnehmermanagement
+49 231 75896-74
Alexandra Schardt
Organisation und Teilnehmermanagement
+49 231 75896-74
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