Food Safety and Dietary Risk Assessment

For many years, this conference has been the perfect platform for bringing together the scientific, industrial and regulatory communities, dealing with the assessment of pesticide residues in food. Learn about the latest developments in risk assessment, the setting of maximum residue limits as well as regulatory and guideline updates.

Garantierte Durchführung
02.04. — 03.04.2025
Live Stream
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The risk assessment of pesticide residues in food is a key element of the EU regulatory framework for plant protection products. This process involves various complexities, from data collection and evaluation to the implementation of new guidance as well as the application and authorisation procedures. To successfully navigate these challenges, it is essential to stay informed about all new developments.

Join the popular Akademie Fresenius Conference “Food Safety and Dietary Risk Assessment” to receive all the latest updates, to meet your peers and to join important discussions in a comfortable conference atmosphere. Reason enough for many participants to attend regularly every year. So don’t miss out to secure your place for this year’s event!

The Conference will be taking place in Dusseldorf on 2 and 3 April 2025.

Would you instead prefer to join on-site in Dusseldorf? Then you can find further information here.


  • AGES on key topics around MRLs: Acetamiprid, Cypermethrin and MRLs for non-approved substances
  • IESTI Equation: discussions and way forward
  • EFSA on the assessment of pesticide residues in rotational crops as well as challenges from an industry perspective
  • EU Commission on recent advances in the EU's prospective cumulative risk assessment of pesticides
  • ANSES on assessing the feasibility of the methodology proposed by EFSA for acute and chronic prospective cumulative risk assessment
  • German BfR on the quantitative assessment of genotoxicity
  • EFSA on the practical implementation of NAMs into the risk assessment of pesticide metabolites
  • Potential impact of precision application (PA) on consumer risk assessment
  • HSE on the UK approach to Codex Maximum Residue Levels (CXLs)

Who should attend this conference?

Professionals working in the fields of:

  • Risk assessment
  • Product safety
  • Toxicology
  • Regulatory affairs
  • Research and development
  • Legal and general counselling

Sectors that should take part:

  • Agrochemical industry
  • Competent authorities, regulatory bodies and research institutes
  • Consultancies
  • Testing laboratories and contract research organisations (CROs)
  • Professional associations

Picture Credit: © Leart – AdobeStock, Gordon Bussiek -,pressmaster –



PLEASE NOTE: The indicated times refer to Central European Summer Time CEST.

For further time zones, please view here.

Tuesday, 14 October 2025 | 10:00 – 15:15
Login Time
Start of the Online Training

Welcome address by the organisers and introduction by the trainer

Introduction and overview of genotoxic damage and data generation in the context of Regulation 1107/2009
  • Types of DNA damage and an overview of DNA repair
  • Overview of the regulatory approved genotoxicity tests available in the context of Regulation 1107/2009, guidance on groundwater metabolites and guidance on the establishment of the residue definition
  • Relevance of historical control data to aid assay acceptability and data interpretation
Short break
In vitro bacterial and mammalian gene mutation damage, data generation and evaluation
  • Bacterial (reverse) gene mutation assay overview and data interpretation
  • Mammalian (forward [tk / hprt]) gene mutation assay overview and data interpretation
Questions and answers
Lunch break
In vitro mammalian structural and numerical chromosomal damage, data generation and evaluation
  • Mammalian micronucleus assay overview and data interpretation
  • Why the mammalian chromosomal aberration assay does not address aneugenicity
Short break
In vivo mammalian genotoxicity follow-on approaches
  • Rodent bone marrow micronucleus assay overview and data interpretation
  • Rodent comet and transgenic assay overview and data interpretation, and which one to use.
Questions and answers
End of the online training





Ben Ali

Sina-Elisabeth Ben Ali

Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES), Austria

Sina-Elisabeth Ben Ali studied nutritional sciences at the University of Vienna. Since 2018, she has been working in the field of pesticide residues at AGES. She is involved in the assessment of plant protection products and active substances, as well as in the evaluation of MRL applications. Additionally, she has been participating in the Standing Committee on Pesticide Residues since 2021.


Paul Brian

Health and Safety Executive (HSE), United Kingdom

Paul Brian has been a residues specialist assessor in the UK Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE) Chemicals Regulation Division (CRD) since 2016. He has a particular focus on MRLs including GB MRL and import tolerance applications, MRL reviews and the adoption of Codex MRLs.


Monika Bross

BASF, Germany

Monika Bross is analytical chemist by training; she has been working at BASF Agricultural Center in Limburgerhof for more than 30 years. Within BASF she has been involved in the conduct of residue and metabolism studies, but also in dietary exposure assessments and the preparation of dossiers for international submissions. She is member of association expert teams dealing with residue related topics (including MRL setting) and the implementation of the EU Transparency Regulation.


Isabelle Christian

Bayer, France

Isabelle Christian is a Dietary Safety and Metabolism Expert at Bayer. She holds a PhD in organic synthesis and joined Bayer Crop Science in 2002 as a research chemist. In 2008, she moved to development/consumer risk assessment. She is a member of the CLE RESG and chairs the EUPAF dietary safety subgroup.


Janet Gamlin

Bayer, Germany

Janet Gamlin is a Dietary Safety and Metabolism Expert at Bayer. She holds a PhD in Physical Organic Chemistry and started at Bayer 25 years ago as a Sr. Research Scientist. Throughout her career, she has held various roles in the areas of Research and Development, Strategy and IT in Canada, the US and Germany. She is the chair of the CropLife Europe MetaPath RESG subgroup and a member of the OECD MetaPath User Group and CropLife Europe IUCLID subgroup.


Karsten Hohgardt

Geman Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL), Germany

Karsten Hohgardt is the Head of the unit responsible for risk management in the field of toxicology, application security, methods of analysis, and residue behaviour at BVL. His main experience lies in MRL setting and residue behaviour.


Marc Kennedy

Fera Science, United Kingdom

Marc Kennedy joined the Central Science Laboratory (now Fera Science Ltd) in 2006 and has worked primarily on probabilistic models for pesticide intakes from dietary and occupational routes. He has a PhD in statistics and has worked at the universities of Nottingham and Sheffield and the National Institute of Statistical Sciences. Marc has also contributed to risk modelling software BREAM, BREAM2, and BROWSE for bystanders, residents, operators, and workers exposure and developed aggregate exposure models in the EU ACROPOLIS and EUROMIX projects.


Carsten Kneuer

German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), Germany

Carsten Kneuer is a Toxicologist and the Head of the Unit “Toxicology of Active Substances and their Metabolites“ in the Pesticides Safety Department of the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment. His group is evaluating the mammalian toxicology of pesticides within the EU assessment framework and is actively involved in various projects aimed at the advancement of our risk assessment practice.


Britta Michalski

German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), Germany

Britta Michalski is a Chemist by training and has been working in the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) since 2004. She is Head of the Unit Residues and Analytical Methods in the Department Pesticides Safety. Her group is involved in MRL setting, approval and authorisation procedures for pesticides and biocides. Britta is member of OECD’s Residue Chemistry Expert Group since more than 15 years and has recently co-chaired the Writing Group on the update of the Test Guideline on Storage Stability. She has been leading several EFSA projects in the area of pesticide residues and processing factors.


Alexandra Mienné

French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES), France

Alexandra Mienné studied chemistry and health risk assessment and has been working at ANSES in the Regulated Products Assessment Department since 2012. She is involved in residue assessment since then, drafting registration reports, evaluation reports and European monographs. She has been involved in cumulative risk assessment of pesticides since 2015 and participates in the European working group on cumulative risk assessment.

Nicolau Solano

Silvia Nicolau Solano

European Commission, Belgium

Silvia I. Nicolau Solano is a Veterinarian specialised in food safety, holding a PhD in molecular genetics and biochemistry, along with two Masters of Science in biotechnology and meat science. Her professional career in the EU institutions spans over 14 years, where she has been dedicated to leverage the impact of science in policymaking. This includes food safety risk assessment as Scientific Officer at EFSA and research for health and food system policies as Policy Analyst at the JRC and as Scientific Officer at the European Research Council Executive Agency. Currently, she is involved in developing evidence-based policies in the area of residues of plant protection products as a Policy Officer at the Directorate of Health and Food Safety of the European Commission. Before joining the EU institutions, she worked at national level, leading the development of a knowledge transfer programme between academia and the food sector and implementing national official controls at primary production ensuring compliance with food safety standards.

Parra Morte

Juan Parra Morte

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Italy

Juan Parra Morte has been Toxicologist in the Pesticide Peer Review Unit of EFSA since 2008. He has been actively involved in the assessment of pesticide active substances, their metabolites and impurities, including the EFSA PPR, the OECD Guidance on Residue Definition and EFSA's outsourced projects on the Genotoxicity Database and QSAR and Read-Across for the genotoxicity of metabolites. He is chairing the EFSA Working Group on NAMs QSARs.


Hermine Reich

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Italy

Hermine Reich has been working at EFSA since 2006. As Lead Senior Scientific Officer in the Unit on Pesticide Residues she is responsible for developing and coordinating cross-cutting scientific topics related to EFSA’s risk assessment activities under Regulation (EC) No 396/2005, in particular in the field of dietary risk assessment, assessment of MRL applications, and development of risk assessment methodologies.


Claire Stephenson

ADAMA, United Kingdom

Claire L. Stephenson is a Senior Global Expert in residues and dietary exposure at ADAMA. Prior to this, she has worked both in consultancy and for the UK regulatory authority where she was the technical lead for MRLs. She has represented the UK as a technical expert at a range of EC and EFSA meetings and holds a PhD in biochemistry.


Katoria Tatum-Gibbs

BASF, United States of America


Petra Veit

BASF, Germany

Petra Veit is a Biologist by training and Head of Consumer Safety Residues within BASF. She is responsible for the field and the analytical part of all kind of residue studies for MRL settings.


Anna Zwartsen

RIVM - National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, The Netherlands

van Klaveren

Jacob van Klaveren

RIVM - National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, The Netherlands


Live Stream
On-site conference is going to be streamed live.
You can reach us directly at:
Telefon : +49 231 75896-50

Preise & Leistungen

Teilnahmepreis: € 1.195,00 zzgl. MwSt.

Im Teilnahmepreis sind folgende Leistungen enthalten:

  • Teilnahme an der Online-Veranstaltung
  • Veranstaltungsdokumentation zum Download
  • Teilnahmezertifikat

Vertreter:innen einer Behörde oder einer öffentlichen Hochschule erhalten einen ermäßigten Teilnahmepreis von € 695,00 zzgl. MwSt. (Nachweis per Fax oder E-Mail erforderlich). Der Sonderpreis ist nicht mit anderen Rabatten kombinierbar.

Bei gemeinsamer Anmeldung aus einem Unternehmen erhalten die dritte und jede weitere Person 15 % Rabatt.

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Dokumentation bestellen

Claudia Werner

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

Claudia Werner
Inhalt und Konzeption

+49 231 75896-83

Claudia Werner

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

Claudia Werner
Inhalt und Konzeption

+49 231 75896-83

Claudia Werner

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

Claudia Werner
Inhalt und Konzeption

+49 231 75896-83

Jennifer Zerth

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

Jennifer Zerth
Organisation und Teilnehmermanagement

+49 231 75896-79

Jennifer Zerth

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

Jennifer Zerth
Organisation und Teilnehmermanagement

+49 231 75896-79

Weitere Termine für diese Veranstaltung:

02.04. — 03.04.2025,  Novotel Düsseldorf City West

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Monika Stratmann

Monika Stratmann
Telefon: +49 231 75896-48


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Katharina Geraridis

Katharina Geraridis
Telefon: +49 231 75896-67
