Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecotoxicology and Risk Management

The risk management and ecotoxicological assessment of PPPs, essential to produce compliant products, poses challenges across the entire pesticide industry. This Conference brings together representatives from regulatory and industry backgrounds, as well as political decision-makers to discuss the latest regulatory developments.

Garantierte Durchführung
06.12. — 07.12.2023
Live Stream
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The Conference will be taking place in Cologne/Germany on 6 and 7 December and you can follow all the exciting contributions via our live stream!

Would you instead prefer to join on-site in Cologne? Then you can find further information here.

Plant Protection Products (PPPs) are strictly regulated within the European Union and in abroad countries. The ECOTOX Conference keeps track of scientific progress, risk assessment methods and any crucial novelties in the ERA of PPPs and offers those navigating the regualtory landscape a supportive platform.


  • Update on Regulatory Developments in the EU
  • Sustainability initiatives in the European Union
  • Update from EFSA
  • Digital Farming and precision agriculture: Update on relevant developments in EUPAF, the European Precision Application Task Force
  • The German BVL on their sustainability initiatives and projects
  • The AENEAS Project: Advancing the environmental risk assessment of non-target arthropods for plant protection products by accounting for the impact on ecosystem services and on the ecological function
  • Wageningen Study: Non target arthropods (NTAs) exposure after in-field overspray

Who should attend this conference?

Professionals working in the fields of:

  • Ecotoxicology
  • Hazard, exposure and risk assessment
  • Risk management, Field studies, Modelling
  • Regulatory affairs, Registration and authorisation
  • Scientific advisory
  • Technical and environmental affairs, Monitoring

Sectors that should take part:

  • Agrochemical industry
  • Research institutes
  • Environmental consultancies
  • Professional associations
  • Regulatory bodies

Picture Credit: © hfox –, © reluk –



Wednesday, 6 December 2023

PLEASE NOTE: The indicated times refer to Central European Time CET.

For further time zones, please view here.

Morning Session 09:30 – 13:05 CET
On-site registration & opening of the virtual meeting room
Welcome address by the organisers and the Chairs

Peter Dohmen, Econ – Ecotoxicological Consulting, Germany
Jacoba Wassenberg, Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides (Ctgb), The Netherlands

The presentation slots include sufficient time for questions and answers.
Sustainability Initiatives in the European Union
Update from the Commission: Farm to Fork Strategy objectives for plant protection products – regulatory and non-regulatory initiatives to fulfil risks and use reduction targets

Eric Liégeois, European Commission, Belgium

Update from EFSA
  • Update on critical appraisal tools in ecotoxicology (CATS)
  • Update on the EFSA Working Group on effect modelling
  • Co-formulants
  • Update on the project for advancing the environmental risk assessment of plant protection products (PERA project)
  • Update on the development of the calculators for the Birds & Mammals and Bees guidance documents
  • Environmental scenarios for ApisRAM

Laura Villamar Bouza, European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Italy

The Ctgb Green Team : Focus and developments
  • Team structure
  • Completion of evaluation manual for the evaluation and authorisation of Biopesticides
  • Ecotox risk assessment: it’s not easy being green

Ingrid Bremmer, Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides (Ctgb), The Netherlands

Coffee break
Update from BVL: Current activities in the context of sustainability

Achim Gathmann, Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL), Germany

Implications of the EU Grean Deal: Farm-to-Fork and the sustainable use regulation – an industry viewpoint
  • Challenges and opportunities for agriculture in the EU and beyond
  • Reducing environmental impact of crop protection
  • Enhancing the technological toolbox for growers

Arnd Nenstiel-Koehling, Bayer CropScience, Germany

Lunch break

Afternoon Session 14:30 – 17:30 CET
The implications of the green deal and other sustainability initiatives on farming and on practical food production

Thomas Gäbert, Agrargenossenschaft Trebbin, Germany (virtual presentation)

Update on the European Precision Application Task Force (EUPAF)
  • Purpose of a an expert platform on precision applications
  • Task Force working groups and first outcome
  • Timeline and next steps

Anne Alix, Corteva Agriscience, United Kingdom

Coffee break
Other Regulatory Developments
Ecotoxicological risk assessment in Great Britain and Northern Ireland post EU Exit
  • Current situation in GB and NI and adoption of new guidance in GB
  • The role of the Expert Committee on Pesticides
  • Approach to new technologies and areas of research

Melissa Reed, Health and Safety Executive / Chemicals Regulation Division (HSE/CRD), United Kingdom

Developments in the Northern Zone

Mariana Ledesma, Swedish Chemicals Agency (Kemi), Sweden (virtual presentation)

Final words
End of the first day

Thursday, 7 December 2023

PLEASE NOTE: The indicated times refer to Central European Time CET.

For further time zones, please view here.

Morning Session 09:30 – 13:55 CET
Brief address by the Chairs

Peter Dohmen, Econ – Ecotoxicological Consulting, Germany
Jacoba Wassenberg, Board for the Authorisation of Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides (Ctgb), The Netherlands

Methods and Modelling
Eco-modelling – New developments, challenges and solutions
  • Mesocosm modelling: Ring-testing four models
  • Scenarios for landscape ERA
  • The future of eco-model development

Roman Ashauer, Syngenta, Switzerland

Feedback from France on the use of TKTD models in refined risk assessment for aquatic organisms
  • View of a national regulatory agency on the use of TKTD models
  • Advantages and limitations of using TKTD models in a regulatory framework
  • Potential areas for improvement

Harry Byers, French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES), France

Population Modelling: Risk and hazard approaches
  • Regulatory need
  • Model parameterisation differences
  • Case studies

Charles Hazlerigg, Enviresearch, United Kingdom

Coffee break
The AENEAS project on non-target arthropod risk assessment: Ecosystem services and function
  • Evaluation of vulnerable species for ecosystem services
  • Accounting for interspecies sensitivity and exposure routes
  • Modeling individual species effects to population dynamics in habitat scenarios
  • Investigating links to ecological functions that influence ecosystem services

Steven Droge, Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands

Off crop non-target terrestrial organism exposure and risk for plant protection products: Processes, procedures and practical proposals
  • Representation challenges with drift interactions with off crop vegetation
  • Challenges with significant variability in exposure in vegetation structures
  • Ecological implications; the role and need for ecological modelling to meaningfully address implications of exposure variation and organism behaviour
  • Regulatory implications: Thoughts on how to meaningfully link exposure and effects

Rena Isemer, Bayer, Germany

Non-target arthropods (NTA) exposure after in-field overspray
  • Vertical distribution of spray in crop, as a first step of assessing NTA exposure
  • Assessment of individual insect exposure by using fluorescent dye as spray
  • Bumblebees: They are not honeybees

Ivo Roessink, Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands

Summary and final discussion
End of the Conference





Anne Alix

Corteva Agriscience, United Kingdom

Anne Alix joined Dow AgroSciences, now Corteva Agriscience, in 2011, as Policy and Risk Management Leader for Europe, Middle East and Africa. She has been working in the area of plant protection products risk assessment for 20 years. After a PhD in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) at the University of Rennes, Anne joined the French National Institute for Research in Agronomy (INRA) as an ecotoxicologist in the scientific unit for the risk assessment of crop protection products. Anne was nominated head of the Environment and Ecotoxicology risk assessment unit at the French Agency on the safety of Food (AFSSA, now ANSES), where she initiated scientific collaborations with the pesticide unit of EFSA. Anne then joined the French Ministry of Agriculture as the deputy head of the Section for Regulation of Plant Protection Products and fertilizers, in charge of the implementation of risk mitigation measures for pesticides and of post registration monitoring.


Roman Ashauer

Syngenta, Switzerland

Roman Ashauer is Eco-modelling Lead at Syngenta and Syngenta fellow. Roman is also an Honorary Fellow at the University of York, UK where he has previously worked as Associate Professor. He has won several awards for his research on effect modelling for environmental risk assessment of chemicals.


Ingrid Bremmer

Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides (Ctgb), The Netherlands

Ingrid Bremmer is currently working as a scientific assessor environment in the Green team of Ctgb. At Ctgb she has previously worked as an ecotoxicologist for chemical plant protection products and for biocides.


Harry Byers

French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES), France

Harry Byers is a risk assessor in ecotoxicology at the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES). He has more than 6 years of experience in regulatory risk assessment of plant protection products.


Peter Dohmen

Econ - Ecotoxicological Consulting, Germany

Peter Dohmen is an independent consultant at Econ-Ecotoxicological Consulting. He has previously held a position as Senior Ecotoxicologist at the Agricultural Research Centre of BASF in Limburgerhof/Germany. Having occupied this position for several decades, he brings along profound knowledge and experience in the ecotoxicology field.


Steven Droge

Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands

Steven Droge is an Environmental Scientist at Wageningen University & Research. Steven has built a career in science, holding several postdoctoral research positions over the years. He also has experience in the regulatory field, having worked as Ecotoxicology assessor for the Dutch Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides.


Achim Gathmann

Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL), Germany

Achim Gathmann is the Head of the Group Product Use Management in the Department of Plant Protection Products at the German Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (BVL). He has studied biology with the focus entomology and ecology. He holds a PhD in biology. His key qualifications are agroecology, plant protection, biological control, risk assessment and risk management of plant protection products and genetically modified organisms.


Thomas Gäbert

Agrargenossenschaft Trebbin

Thomas Gäbert holds a PhD in agricultural sciences and has been working for the Agrargenossenschaft Trebbin since 2013. He is mainly responsible for crop production, especially in the areas of precision and smart farming and pays special attention to sustainability and biodiversity.


Charles Hazlerigg

Enviresearch, United Kingdom


Rena Ismer

Bayer, Germany

Rena Isemer is an Ecotoxicology Expert specialising in non-target plants at Bayer AG in Germany. A molecular biologist by training, Rena has previously worked as research associate at the University of Kiel.


Mariana Ledesma

Swedish Chemicals Agency (KEMI), Sweden

Mariana Ledesma has been working as a Regulatory Ecotoxicologist at the Swedish Chemicals Agency (KEMI) conducting ecotoxicology data evaluation and risk assessment, since 2009. As Swedish representative for the Northern Zone in the ecotoxicology section for plant protection products, she has led the work with the interim approach for bees as well as participated in the break-out group responsible for the update of the Higher tier for birds and mammals.


Eric Liégeois

European Commission, Belgium

Eric Liégeois is a Senior Policy Officer at the European Commission in charge of Pesticides Legislation, moderating the Working Group on biopesticides and contributing to risk mitigation measures policy for DG SANTE. Formerly he was the Head-of-Sector for Fertilisers, Plastics and Circular Economy at DG GROW.


Arnd Nenstiel-Koehling

Bayer, Germany

Arnd Nenstiel-Koehling serves as Senior Project Lead EU Green Deal for Bayer, leading a cross-functional project team across all three Bayer divisions on a business transformation journey to capture opportunities and mitigate risks originating from the EU Green Deal. In previous roles Arnd has been leading the global strategic marketing unit for Bayer’s Herbicides portfolio and has served as the Global Head of Public Affairs for the Crop Science division of the company.


Melissa Reed

Health and Safety Executive / Chemicals Regulation Division (HSE/CRD), United Kingdom

Melissa Reed is a senior ecotoxicologist currently leading the ecotoxicology team in CRD-HSE. Over the last 18 years she has been involved in many activities related to ecotoxicological risk assessment including contributing to several EFSA scientific opinions related to effects modelling.


Ivo Roessink

Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands

Ivo Roessink (PhD) is a Senior Scientist in Environmental Risk Assessment at Wageningen Environmental Research. He investigates the environmental impact of different stressors, ranging from chemicals such as plant protection products to exotic species. His research encompassed both aquatic and terrestrial topics dealing with chemicals, exotic species, pollinators and non-target arthropods or combinations thereof.


Laura Villmar Bouza

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Italy

Laura Vilmmar Bouza is a scientific officer at the European Food Safety Authority in Italy, where she supports the work of the ecotoxicology team.


Jacoba Wassenberg

Board for the Authorisation of Plant Protection Products and Biocides (Ctgb), The Netherlands

Jacoba Wassenberg is an environmental risk assessor at the dutch Ctgb, specialized in assessing the ecotoxicological risk of plant protection products to bees, birds and mammals.



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