Food Allergens

Representatives from the industry, the authorities as well as from the medical and scientific fields are presenting the most pressing questions on food allergens at this conference. These include how to deal with clinical aspects and consumer safety, regulatory aspects and scientific matters, as well as industry practice and analytical approaches.

03.12. — 04.12.2024
Live Stream
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The FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Risk Assessment of Allergens from 2020 to 2023 was tasked by Codex and proposed a comprehensive overhaul of the way allergens are managed globally. Starting with a review of the criteria for priority allergens and the current list, it identified Reference Doses for those allergens, guided by a clear and transparent food safety objective and following a defined scientific analysis. The Consultation then addressed the application of those Reference Doses in the management of allergens, with an emphasis on Precautionary Allergen Labelling, but also considering how they could help the definition of exemptions from allergen labelling.

The conference brings together representatives from regulatory and industry backgrounds, as well as political decision-makers to discuss about the FAO/WHO Initiative on food allergen risk assessment and the main conclusions and implications of the Expert Consultation’s work. It keeps track of clinical aspects, advances in food analysis and their suitability as well as on recent developments in risk assessment, risk management and risk communication.

Another hot topic at the moment is the new use of existing proteins and existing proteins being processed in new ways and moreover, we are looking at emerging allergens from a number of perspectives.

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Food allergy – clinical aspects

  • Update on immunotherapy in food allergy

Food industry allergen risk assessment approaches

  • Practical application of allergen quantitative risk assessment (QRA)
  • Improving information for allergen risk management, including decisions on precautionary labelling

Competent authority/consumer perspective on risk assessment

  • Opinions on food allergens issued by the Scientific Committee established at the Belgian FASFC
  • Food allergens and the supervision of the new legal rules in the Netherlands

FAO/WHO initiative on food allergen risk assessment

  • An overview of the FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Risk Assessment of Food Allergens and key outcomes
  • Too high, too low? Setting a reference dose that works.

Risk management and communication

  • Risk management and communication of food allergens – the perspective of a governmental agency
  • Risk communication with consumers in Ireland
  • VITAL® 4.0 in relation to the FAO/WHO recommendations

Monitoring, analytical methods and their suitability

  • Standardisation of a reference prototype-MS based method for multi allergen quantification in foods as a result of the ThRAll project
  • Allergen detection possibilities for the official food control laboratories
  • Monitoring the Safe Introduction of Novel Foods (MoSIN) – how food allergy develops in a changing food environment

Who should attend this conference?

Professionals working in the fields of:

  • Quality assurance & control
  • Analysis
  • Legal & regulatory affairs
  • Research & development
  • Diagnosis & therapy

Sectors taking part:

  • Food industry
  • Food retailers
  • Food inspection offices
  • Laboratories
  • Research institutes
  • Authorities
  • Professional associations
  • Medical institutes

Picture Credit: © incomible – istock



Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Timings are in Central European Time CET.

Morning Session | 10:00 – 13:45 CET
Welcoming speech by the organisers and the Chair

Bert Pöpping, FOCOS, Germany and Food Orbit, Portugal

Food allergy – clinical aspects
Update on immunotherapy in food allergy

Kirsten Beyer, Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany

Food industry allergen risk assessment approaches
Practical application of allergen quantitative risk assessment (QRA)
  • Applying QRA proactively and reactively
  • Integrating QRA into existing food safety management programs

Simon Flanagan, Mondelēz Europe, UK

Coffee break
Improving information for allergen risk management, including decisions on precautionary labelling

Neil Buck, General Mills, Switzerland

Competent authority/consumer perspective on risk assessment
Opinions on food allergens issued by the Scientific Committee established at the FASFC

Philippe Delahaut, Scientific Committee at the Belgian Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain (FASFC), Belgium

Food allergens and the supervision of the new legal rules

Jan Eliëns, The Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority (NVWA), The Netherlands

A patient organisation/consumer perspective

Liljia Polo-Richards, Allergy Companions, UK

Lunch break

Afternoon Session | 14:45 – 17:45 CET
Food allergy – clinical aspects
Recent Food Standards Agency funded research, with a focus on methodological challenges

Mindy Dulai, Food Standards Agency (FSA), UK

FAO/WHO initiative on food allergen risk assessment
An overview of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Risk Assessment of Food Allergens and key outcomes

Kang Zhou, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Italy

Coffee break
Too high, too low? Setting a reference dose that works

Paul J. Turner, Imperial College London, UK

To adopt or not to adopt the FAO/WHO reference doses and PAL – that is the question: A European patchwork of thresholds and action values?

A round-table discussion, with views from around Europe

Risk management and communication
Food allergen declaration in Ireland, communicating the regulatory requirements to all stakeholders

Patrick O’Mahony, Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI), Ireland

End of the first conference day

Wednesday, 4 December 2024

Timings are in Central European Time CET.

Morning Session | 08:30 – 12:30 CET
Short address by the Chair

Bert Pöpping, FOCOS, Germany and Food Orbit, Portugal

VITAL® 4.0 and the application of FAO/WHO recommendations

Jasmine Lacis-Lee, Allergen Bureau, Australia (virtual presentation)

Update on risk management and communication of food allergens – the perspective of a governmental agency
  • Managing allergenic risks, e.g. by assisting the Swedish government, by giving guidance to the food control and the food sector and by giving information and advice to allergic consumers and the health care
  • Some current measures due to allergenic risks, e.g. unintended allergen presence and cross-reactivity to edible insects

Ylva Sjögren Bolin, Swedish Food Agency, Sweden

Monitoring, analytical methods and their suitability
Allergen detection possibilities for the official food control laboratories
  • Assessment of analytical results – action values
  • Molecular biological (PCR) techniques – which method for which application area

Hans-Ulrich Waiblinger, State Institute for Chemical and Veterinary Analysis of Food (CVUA) Freiburg, Germany

Coffee break
Outcomes of the EFSA ThRAll-project: Development and standardisation of a LC-MS/MS method for multiallergen quantification in complex food

Linda Monaci, Institute of Sciences of Food Production – National Research Council of Italy (ISPA-CNR), Italy

Strategies for food allergens quantification by mass spectrometry

Maxime Gavage, CER Groupe, Belgium

Monitoring the Safe Introduction of Novel Foods (MoSIN) – how food allergy develops in a changing food environment
  • From animal- to plant-based food including new uses of existing proteins and existing proteins being processed in new ways

Kitty Verhoeckx, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Summary of conference outcome
End of the conference


Live Stream
On-site conference is going to be streamed live.
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