The conference dives right into the ongoing debate surrounding the challenging implementation of the ECHA/EFSA guidance for the identification of Endocrine Disruptors and provides participants with all the recent regulatory and scientific developments.
The ECHA/EFSA guidance for the identification of Endocrine Disruptors in the context of Regulations (EU) No 528/2012 and (EC) No 1107/2009 requires a highly complex and challenging assessment for all active substances. With the proposed introduction of stricter regulation for EDs under the CLP and REACH Regulations, the challenge has recently been broadened. This conference will dive into the debate surrounding Endocrine Disruptors and covers all the relevant recent regulatory and scientific developments.
The Conference will be taking place in Dusseldorf/Germany on 20 and 21 November 2024 and you can follow all the exciting contributions via our live stream!
Would you instead prefer to join on-site in Dusseldorf? Then you can find further information here.
Regulatory Developments
Methods: Studies, NAMs, AOPs
Professionals working in the fields of:
Sectors that should take part:
Picture Credit: © Subbotina Anna/, © chestra -
Timings are in Central European Time CET.
Lennart Weltje, BASF, Germany
Emily McVey, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), The Netherlands
Jordane Wodli, European Commission, Belgium (virtual presentation)
Simone Rizzuto, European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Italy
Chiara Marelli/Libero Mazzucchelli, Team Mastery, Italy
Helen Tinwell, Bayer CropScience, France
Stuard Hindle, Dow Europe, Switzerland
Alan Breen, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Ireland
Nadia Wenske, Knoell, Germany
Ninja Reineke, CHEM Trust, Germany
Carsten Lange, BASF, Germany
Judy Choi, German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), Germany
Timings are in Central European Time CET.
Lennart Weltje, BASF, Germany
Emily McVey, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), The Netherlands
Philipp Marx-Stölting, German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), Germany
Andrea Ziková-Kloas, German Environment Agency (UBA), Germany
Lauren Kent, Corteva Agriscience, United Kingdom
Pavel Balazki, esQLABS, Germany
Stephanie Melching-Kollmuss, Crop Life Europe (CLE) / BASF, Germany
Pavel Balazki
esQLABS, Germany
Pavel Balazki is an expert on Software development for the Open Systems Pharmacology; R packages, Apps, and environments for Life Science R&D; PBP/TK and QSP/T modelling and simulation. He is currently Senior Consultant and Lead for SW ToolChain at ESQlabs. His educational background is in molecular bioinformatics and mathematical modelling.
mehrwenigerAlan Breen
Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Ireland
Alan Breen is a Regulatory Toxicologist working with the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine of Ireland. He has 25 years of experience in the area of chemical safety evaluation and risk assessment and is also a member of the ECHA ED Expert Group.
mehrwenigerJudy Choi
German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), Germany
Judy Choi is a Certified Toxicologist (DABT, ERT), currently working as a Senior Scientific Officer in the \"Toxicology of Active Substances and their Metabolites\" Unit, Department of Pesticides Safety, at the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) in Berlin, Germany. One of her activities at BfR is the toxicological evaluation of active substances for ED potential of human health relevance, and she has been an invited expert in multiple meetings on ED with EFSA or ECHA.
mehrwenigerLauren Kent
Corteva Agriscience, United Kingdom
Lauren Kent is a Global Regulatory Toxicologist at Corteva Agriscience, based in the UK. She has been a toxicologist for ~15 years, working across different sectors in government and industry. She holds both a Masters in Toxicology and a PhD in molecular pharmacology.
mehrwenigerCarsten Lange
BASF, Germany
Carsten Lange is working as an Ecotoxicologist at BASF Agricultural Solutions in Germany, conducting risk assessments for plant protection products. He is a pharmaceutical biotechnologist and toxicologist by training, holds a PhD in pharmaceutical and medicinal chemistry and has worked in pharmaceutical and medicinal research before. One of the current focuses of his work are New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) in Ecotoxicology, including ED embryo assays.
mehrwenigerChiara Marelli
TEAM mastery, Italy
Chiara Marelli (PhD) is the Head of the REACH Division in TEAM mastery. She graduated in chemistry in 2004 and she gained a PhD in organic chemistry at the University of Insubria (Italy) in 2008. After her education, Chiara worked in research and development in the chemical industry for several years. Chiara joined TEAM mastery in 2017, she has since gained in-depth expertise in REACH registration and authorisation processes. Besides her activities in the REACH Division, Chiara collaborates as toxicologist with the PHARMA Division of TEAM mastery.
mehrwenigerPhilip Marx-Stölting
German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), Germany
Philip Marx-Stölting completed a paramedic education and holds a PhD in biochemistry/toxicology. He is currently employed at the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), where he is head of the project group ‘Testing and assessment strategies pesticides’ and head of the BfR working group on endocrine disruptors. He is a specialist in toxicology (Fachtoxikologe, DGPT) and an Eurotox registered toxicologist (ERT).
mehrwenigerLibero Andrea Mazzucchelli
TEAM mastery, Italy
Libero Andrea Mazzucchelli (PhD) has been a Regulatory Scientist at TEAM mastery since 2020. He graduated in Environmental Sciences at the University of Insubria (Italy) in 2020 with a focus on occupational and environmental hygiene. In TEAM mastery Libero works in the Biocide Division dealing mainly with regulatory aspects and technical evaluations.
mehrwenigerEmily McVey
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), The Netherlands
Emily McVey is an experienced Regulatory Toxicologist and works at the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment – RIVM. Her specialties include environmental toxicology, wild vertebrates (birds, mammals, amphibians, fish), molecular mechanisms of toxicity, neurodevelopmental toxicity and endocrine disruption testing and assessment.
mehrwenigerStephanie Melching-Kollmuss
Crop Life Europe/BASF, Germany
Stephanie Melching-Kollmuss has been working in the field of regulatory toxicology for chemicals and plant protection products for over 20 years, for more than 15 years at BASF SE. Her special interest is in mixture toxicity and endocrine disruption. Stephanie was involved in two Cefic LRI projects: “Combined low-dose exposures to anti-androgenic substances” and “Developing a quantitative AOP for liver-mediated thyroid modulation after prenatal exposure to a xenobiotic compound in the rat”.
mehrwenigerNinja Reineke
CHEM Trust Europe, Germany
Ninja Reineke holds a PhD in chemistry and works with CHEM Trust as Head of Science, with the main focus on improving EU regulation on endocrine disruptors, e.g. within REACH and the pesticides law. Previously she worked for WWF on EU chemicals policy in Germany and in Brussels.
mehrwenigerSimone Rizzuto
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Italy
Simone Rizzuto is a Scientific Officer in the Pesticides Unit at the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). He gained his PhD from Lancaster University and has collected a broad experience in several biology and ecotoxicology-related scientific positions over the past years.
mehrwenigerHelen Tinwell
Bayer CropScience, France
Helen Tinwell is a Distinguished Bayer Science Fellow and Regulatory Toxicology Group Leader. She has a PhD in genotoxicity and joined Bayer Crop Science in 2005 after having spent 17 years at Syngenta. Until recently, she has worked in research toxicology focusing on method development and mode of action investigations to address endocrine disruption. In 2017 she became team leader of the Regulatory Toxicology group. She leads the development and application of testing strategies for evaluating potential endocrine-disrupting properties of plant protection molecules in mammals and is a member of the ECPA ED Expert Group.
mehrwenigerLennart Weltje
BASF, Germany
Lennart Weltje holds a PhD in ecotoxicology and environmental chemistry and currently works as a Senior Ecotoxicologist at BASF conducting risk assessments for PPPs and biocides. He is also an honorary Professor at the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the Georg-August University in Goettingen. His former stations include the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM).
mehrwenigerNadia Wenske
knoell, Germany
Nadia Wenske (M.Sc.) is a Regulatory Toxicologist at knoell Germany. She studied biology at Ulm University, Germany and successfully finished the toxicology master’s programme at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden. Her thesis, conducted in the chemical industry, focused on the identification of endocrine disruptors for industrial chemicals under REACH. After graduating, Nadia joined knoell in 2021 and has since then worked in various regulatory areas (biocides, REACH, plant protection products) with a focus on human health and endocrine disruptor assessments. She has gathered extensive experience with the preparation of ED assessments within different regulatory contexts and is one of the key contacts for the topic endocrine disruptors at knoell.
mehrwenigerJordane Wodli
European Commission, Belgium
Jordane Wodli currently serves as a policy advisor national expert on chemicals in the European Commission’s DG Environment.
mehrwenigerAndrea Ziková-Kloas
German Environment Agency (UBA), Germany
Andrea Ziková-Kloas joined German Environment Agency in 2023 as head of section ”Ecotoxicological Laboratory” after having spent 7 years at German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment. Her PhD and postdoc research focused on endocrine disruption (ED) using various in vitro methods and in vivo models, especially fishes and amphibians. She is also a visiting scientist at Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries within the framework of ED research.
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