Worker, Operator, Bystander and Resident Exposure and Risk Assessment

For all those dealing with operator, resident, bystander and worker exposure risk assessment of pesticides, this conference is the place to be. Do you have to implement 2022 EFSA OPEX Guidance updates? Are you interested in dermal absorption? Do you deal with risk mitigation measures? Are you facing trends in application techniques? Then join us!

Garantierte Durchführung
11.02. — 12.02.2025
Novotel Düsseldorf City West
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This popular Akademie Fresenius Conference "Worker, Operator, Bystander and Resident Exposure Risk Assessment" will be of great interest to you. It is the place to be to receive all the latest updates, to meet your peers and to join important discussions in a comfortable conference atmosphere. Reason enough for many participants to attend regularly. So don’t miss out to secure your place for the event!

You can also follow all the exciting contributions via our Live Stream! Please find further information on the virtual participation here.


EFSA OPEX Guidance and Calculator

  • EU Member State experience
  • Industry feedback

Bystander and resident safety

  • Drift exposure study for drone applications in soil, field, and orchard crops
  • Exposure from unmanned aerial spraying in orchards
  • French CAPRIV project results

DFR, TC, DT50, and worker safety

  • Method for dislodgeable foliar residues (DFR) in vineyards
  • DFR method for re-entry in hops
  • In-silico DFR prediction and regulatory impact

Ongoing activities outside Europe

  • Brazilian pesticide risk assessment update
  • ProHuma's occupational exposure projects

Operator safety

  • ICPPE 2024 Symposium outcomes and Risk Assessment Tool update
  • Bystander/resident spray drift exposure data update
  • Comparison of drift reduction with different nozzles and equipment

Dermal absorption in PPP

  • New ICPPE approach for dose-based dermal absorption prediction in pesticide risk assessment

Who should attend this conference?

Professionals working in the fields of:

  • Human exposure & risk assessment
  • Research & development
  • Toxicology
  • Registration
  • Marketing & distribution
  • Product stewardship & responsible care
  • Human/Consumer safety – crop protection

Sectors that should take part:

  • Agrochemical industry
  • Professional associations
  • Consultancies

Picture Credits: © lala Firdaa – AdobeStock, © Ron – AdobeStock



Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Timings are in Central European Time CET.

Morning Session | 9:50 – 13:25 CET
On-site registration & opening of the virtual meeting room
Welcoming speech by the organisers and the Chair

Alistair Morriss, Corteva Agriscience, UK

Considerations of risk mitigation measures
Risk mitigation measures and conditions of use that reduce the risk in humans (workers, operators, bystanders and residents)

Piotr Ogrodowczyk, European Commission, Belgium (virtual presence)

EFSA OPEX Guidance/Calculator
EU Member State experience with the implementation of the EFSA OPEX Guidance and Calculator

Agathi Charistou, Benaki Phytopathological Institute, Greece
Despina Bournele, Benaki Phytopathological Institute, Greece

Industry perspective on the implementation of the EFSA OPEX Guidance and Calculator
  • Industry’s effort to create an offline calculator to address end-user needs
  • Guidance and calculator updates – an uncertain road ahead

Edgars Felkers, Bayer Crop Science Division, Germany and CropLife Europe, Belgium

Bystander and resident safety
Environmental, bystander and resident exposure from orchard applications using an unmanned aerial spraying system
  • Field trials to quantify horizontal and vertical drift as well as direct bystander/resident exposure
  • Comparison of the results with EU and US regulatory reference datasets for ground and aerial applications

Sebastian König, Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office (FSVO), Switzerland

Coffee break
Quantitative effects of spray drift mitigation measures and bystanders exposure: The example of the CAPRIV “Concilier l’application des PPP et la protection des riverains” Project

Jean-Paul Douzals, National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE), France

Exposure study comparing drift exposure to bystanders at different distances during soil, field crop and orchard crop drone application
  • Results and comparison to current exposure model predictions for conventional sprayers
  • Differences in exposure risks between drone and conventional application methods

Christiane Wiemann, BASF, Austria

Lunch break

Afternoon Session | 15:00 – 17:50 CET
Ongoing activities outside Europe
Update on the Brazilian perspective on pesticide occupational risk assessment

Adriana Torres de Sousa Pottier, Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA), Brazil

ProHuma’s technical projects to support the occupational exposure risk assessment

Fabiana Cremaschi Palma, Instituto ProHuma de Estudos Cientificos, Brazil

Coffee break
California DPR’s emerging application technologies efforts
  • DPR’s Emerging Technologies Workgroup
  • Study to quantify occupational exposure to crews applying pesticides by drone.

Emily Bryson, California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR), USA (virtual presence)

Dermal absorption of active substances in PPP
Non-dietary risk assessment of pesticides using dose-based dermal absorption prediction – a new conceptional approach from the ICPPE initiative
  • How absorption studies or models can incorporate dose into dermal absorption predictions for pesticide exposure
  • Focusing shifts from concentration to exposure doses, aligning US and EU approaches

Felix M. Kluxen, BASF, Germany

End of the first conference day
Joint evening event

After the first conference day you are most welcome to attend our evening event for an unhurried evening of good food and leisure time. Please join us to continue the day’s interesting discussions in a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere.

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Timings are in Central European Time CET.

Morning Session | 10:00 – 14:10 CET
Welcoming address and opening remarks by the Chair

Neil A. Byron, Exponent, UK

DFR, TC, DT50 and worker safety
Experimental determination of DFR (Dislodgeable Foliar Residues) of copper applied in viticulture at different rates and spraying intervals

Gunnar Fent, State Education and Research Center of Viticulture, Horticulture and Rural Development (DLR-Rheinpfalz), Germany

Development of a method to determine dislodgeable foliar residues (DFR) for re-entry in hops

Simon Euringer, Bavarian State Institution for Agriculture LFL, Germany

Coffee break
In-silico prediction of dislodgeable foliar residues (DFR) and regulatory implications for plant protection products
  • Default DFR values
  • Machine learning model
  • Predicted DFR values
  • Expanded dataset

Edward Chikwana, Corteva Agriscience, USA

Operator safety
Update on field data for exposure of bystanders/residents towards spray drift during application of PPP in orchards

Enrico Peter, German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), Germany

A comparison of the different approaches for drift reduction level provided by different nozzles and equipment in Europe (with mainly focus on field crop spraying)

Jens Karl Wegener, Julius Kühn-Institute (JKI) – Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants, Germany

ICPPE Initiative: An update of the ICPPE Risk Assessment and Mitigation Tool and highlights of the 2024 International Symposium on Operator Safety
  • Update on the ICPPE activities, including overview of the sessions on risk assessment, mitigation and labeling at the 2024 International Symposium on Operator Safety held in Brazil
  • Demonstration of the ICPPE tool
  • Pilot testing and inclusion in the FAO Pesticide Registration Toolkit

Anugrah Shaw, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, USA

Lunch and end of the conference


Folgende Referierende haben bereits zugesagt, weitere folgen in Kürze:



Despina Bournele

Benaki Phytopathological Institute, Greece

Despina Bournele is a Biologist in the Laboratory of Toxicological Control of Pesticides at the Benaki Phytopathological Institute in Greece with experience in Regulatory Toxicology and the non-dietary exposure assessment to both plant protection products and biocidal products.


Emily Bryson

California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR), USA

Emily Bryson is the supervisor over the Human Health Mitigation Programme in the California Department of Pesticide Regulation’s (DPR) Worker Health and Safety Branch. Emily founded and chairs DPR’s Emerging Technologies Workgroup, a collaborative effort between academia and government to gather information on emerging application technologies and build in-house subject matter expertise, and has represented California in US EPA’s Emerging Technologies Workgroup and Targeted Application Technologies Working Group. Emily also sits on the Remote Pilots’ and Aerial Applicators’ Association’s Advisory Board.


Neil A. Byron

Exponent International, UK

Neil A. Byron, is working as a Senior Managing Scientist in Exponent UK’s Health Sciences Center for Chemical Regulation and Food Safety. Prior to joining Exponent he was with the UK’s CRD for 18 years. He is a human exposure assessment specialist, having over 25 years of experience in exposure and risk assessment of PPP and is currently involved with the industry’s SeedTropex task Force who are developing a new exposure model for seed treatment.  


Agathi Charistou

Benaki Phytopathological Institute, Greece

Agathi Charistou is a Regulatory Toxicologist in the Laboratory of Toxicological Control of Pesticides at the Benaki Phytopathological Institute in Greece with long experience in the evaluation of mammalian toxicology studies and non-dietary exposure assessment to both plant protection products and biocides.


Edward Chikwana

Corteva Agriscience, USA

Edward Chikwana has worked in human health risk assessment in various capacities over the past few years. In his current role at Corteva Agriscience, he works as a Global Human Health Risk Assessor within the Exposure, Risk & Epidemiology group, assisting with global registration of several plant protection products. He has experience with risk-based dietary and non-dietary human exposure assessments, including higher tier approaches, to support registration of plant protection products across various geographies. He serves on several multi-disciplinary industry-wide teams, such as CLI, CLE, and CARES NG , responsible for addressing techno-regulatory issues and developing technical positions in alignment with global regulatory requirements.

Cremaschi Palma

Fabiana Cremaschi Palma

Instituto ProHuma de Estudos Cientificos, Brasil

Fabiana Cremaschi Palma is a Pharmacist with a graduated in Biochemical Pharmacy and a degree in Biological Sciences. Since 2016, she has been the Technical and Administrative Director of the ProHuma Institute of Scientific Studies, working on the development of the institute and supporting the implementation of the assessment of non-dietary exposure to pesticides in Brazil and the development of a database to assess the risk of occupational exposure to pesticides.


Jean-Paul Douzals

French Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE), France

Jean Paul Douzals is an Agricultural Engineer-with a PhD in Food Processing Sciences and he is the Head of the Spray Application Research Group at UMR ITAP INRAE Montpellier. His main research activities concern experimental developments for the comprehension of the spray application for plant protection and the definition of performance criteria for the optimisation of the process. Expected outcomes are the reduction of plant protection products doses, the definition of satisfying conditions for the development of bioproducts and biocontrol, the reduction of the impacts of spray applications such as spray drift. He is collaborating to several projects with LISAH and ECOSYS research teams aiming at developing an integrated model of PPP transfer in the environment.


Simon Euringer

Bavarian State Institution for Agriculture LFL, Germany

Edgars Felkers

Bayer Crop Science Division, Germany

Edgars Felkers is an occupational and residential safety expert at Bayer Crop Science Division in Germany. He is responsible for non-dietary human exposure and risk assessments of plant protection products. Currently, he is also chairing CropLife Europe Occupational and Bystander Technical SubGroup (CLE OBE TSG).


Gunnar Fent

State Education and Research Center of Viticulture, Horticulture and Rural Development (DLR-Rheinpfalz), Germany

Gunnar Fent works at the Institute for Plant Protection of the State Education and Research Center of Viticulture, Horticulture and Rural Development (DLR-Rheinpfalz) in Germany. For several decades he has performed e-fate and environmental exposure studies with pesticides at different scales.


Felix M. Kluxen

BASF, Germany

Felix M. Kluxen is a pharmacist and certified toxicologist and has been working as a Regulatory Toxicologist since 2013. His main interests are NAMs, statistics in toxicology and risk assessment. He is a member of several CropLife Europe teams and international project groups.


Sebastian König

Swiss Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office, Switzerland

Sebastian König is a biotechnologist and chemist by training and works at the Swiss Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office. He is experienced in the assessment of non-dietary exposure to plant protection products. He is also involved in research on drones in agriculture.


Alistair Morriss

Corteva Agriscience, UK

Alistair Morriss is a Global Human Health Risk Assessor at Corteva Agriscience in the UK. Prior to joining Corteva in 2023 he has been a Principal Consultant specialising in OPEX at Blue Frog Scientific based in the UK for 4 years and a Human Health Risk Assessor at Dow AgroSciences (now Corteva) for 8 years. Before joining Corteva and Blue Frog Scientific he worked in contract research organisations for 8 years.


Piotr Ogrodowczyk

European Commission, Belgium

Piotr Ogrodowczyk is a Policy Officer at the European Commission and has been seconded to the European Commission DG SANTE E4 since April 2024. He has been working at the Polish Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development since 2011. Since then, he has been working in the field of plant protection products - recently authorisation, previously use. In addition plant health, public aid and the common agricultural policy. He has also collaborated with scientific institutes, including in analyses related to the Farm to Fork Strategy in Polish conditions.


Enrico Peter

German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), Germany

Enrico Peter is a Biologist and has been working at the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) as a Scientist in the Department Pesticides Safety since 2019. He is responsible for the risk assessment for plant protection product (with emphasis on non-dietary risk assessment) and the evaluation of toxicological data on plant protection products.


Anugrah Shaw

University of Maryland Eastern Shore, USA

Anugrah Shaw is a Professor at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore and has conducted research on protective clothing for pesticide applicators for three decades. She also serves as Director, International Center for PPE for Pesticide Operators and Re-entry Workers. Anugrah has provided leadership for the development of international standards on protective clothing for pesticide operators and is currently coordinating international initiatives on operator safety.

Torres de Sousa

Adriana Torres de Sousa

Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency (ANVISA), Brazil

Adriana Torres de Sousa is a Health Regulation Expert of the Brazilian Health Regulation Agency (ANVISA) and, since 2017, she is manager of the Monitoring and Pesticide Risk Assessment Office, which is in charge of dietary and non-dietary health risk assessment of pesticide exposure, pesticide toxicological re-evaluation process and the Program on Pesticide Residue Analysis in Food (PARA). Adriana has been working for over 17 years on pesticide regulation. Adriana holds a Chemistry Degree, a Master’s degree in Inorganic Chemistry and a Postgraduate certificate in Toxicology Applied to Sanitary Surveillance.


Jens Karl Wegener

Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI) – Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants, Germany

Jens Karl Wegener has been Director and Professor of the Institute for Application Techniques in Plant Protection at Julius Kühn-Institute (JKI), since 2013. In 2017 he was appointed to be Honorary Professor at Technical University of Braunschweig, where he is supporting teachings of the Institute for Mobile Machinery and Commercial Vehicles (IMN). Furthermore he is conducting the interdisciplinary and university-covering block module \"Innovative Plant Protection Technologies\" together with students and instructors from five different Universities: His main focus is on optimisation and risk assessment of processes and procedures in agriculture. In this context he intensively studied the possibilities, limitations and benefits of new technologies for different agricultural purposes.


Christiane Wiemann

BASF, Austria

Christiane Wiemann is a veterinarian by training and works as a Principal Manager Toxicology / Human Risk Assessment Crop Protection at BASF. Starting her career as a toxicological study director she had have the focus on dermal absorption in vitro since then. Subsequently she became engaged in non-dietary risk assessment of plant protection products with meanwhile more than 20 years of experience. While her focus turned from toxicological hazard to non-dietary risk assessment she got engaged in several global and regional industry association and cross stakeholder working groups (CropLife, OECD, ICPPE) for non-dietary risk assessment and dermal absorption on the technical level bringing forward data generation, data collection, model and method development dedicated to the purpose of risk assessment improvement.



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