Food Safety and Dietary Risk Assessment

For many years, this conference has been the perfect platform for bringing together the scientific, industrial and regulatory communities, dealing with the assessment of pesticide residues in food. Learn about the latest developments in risk assessment, the setting of maximum residue limits as well as regulatory and guideline updates.

Garantierte Durchführung
19.04. — 20.04.2023
Atrium Hotel Mainz
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Authorities, industry and science - all around the table in 2023 again!

The popular Akademie Fresenius Conference “Food Safety and Dietary Risk Assessment” enters its next round: It is the place to be to receive all the latest updates, to meet your peers and to join important discussions in a comfortable conference atmosphere.Reason enough for many participants to attend regularly every year. So don’t miss out to secure your place for this year’s event!

The Conference will be taking place in Mainz/Germany on 19 and 20 April.

You can also follow all the exciting contributions via our live stream!

Please find all information on the virtual participation here.


  • OECD Residue Definition Guidance: the latest update
  • EFSA on PRIMo revision 4
  • MRL-setting in case of environmental problems of world-wide concern
  • View from outside the EU: Developments in dietary risk assessment in Japan and UK
  • Update from the OECD Working Group on the setting of MRL in honey
  • IUCLID: AGES on their experience and the way ahead
  • BfR on the results of the German MEAL Study
  • EU database of processing factors: BfR’s new user interface and ongoing database updates
  • Cumulative risk assessment: Exposure to pesticide residues within the EU and EFSA’s current activities

Who do you meet?

Professionals working in the fields of:

  • Risk assessment
  • Product safety
  • Toxicology
  • Regulatory affairs
  • Research and development
  • Legal and general counselling

Sectors that should take part:

  • Agrochemical industry
  • Competent authorities, regulatory bodies and research institutes
  • Consultancies
  • Testing laboratories and contract research organisations (CROs)
  • Professional associations

Picture Credit: © Leart – AdobeStock



PLEASE NOTE: The indicated times refer to Central European Time CEST.

For further time zones, please view here.

Wednesday, 19 April 2023

Morning Session | 09:30 – 13:00 CEST
On-site registration & opening of the virtual meeting room
Welcome address by the organisers and the Chairs

Monika Bross, BASF, Germany
Caroline Harris, Exponent, United Kingdom

Regulatory Framework and Guideline Developments
Update from the OECD Working Group on the setting of MRL in honey

Xavier Sarda, French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES), France

Processing factors – broadening the data base
  • A general introduction to processing factors and processing studies
  • The EU database of processing factors and BfR’s new user interface
  • Ongoing updates of the EU database

Britta Michalski, German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), Germany

IUCLID: a Member State authority perspective
  • From Transparency regulation to the current IUCLID submission system
  • Current state: What is different/new?
  • What does the future hold? The way ahead with IUCLID

Klaus Leder, Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES), Austria

Coffee break
IUCLID: Crop Life Europe's perspective
  • Impact on applicants and their dossiers
  • Considerations for the future

Viktoria Eriksson, CropLife Europe, Germany

Implementing the Farm to Fork Strategy: example on pesticides residues
  • Context and objective
  • Example of Commission Regulation (EU) 2023/334
  • FAQs

María Tabernero, European Commission, Belgium (virtual presentation)

Lunch break

Afternoon Session | 14:00 – 17:10 CEST
MRLs and environmental concerns of global dimension

Monika Richter, CropLife Europe, Germany

Developments in Cumulative Dietary Risk Assessment
Results of the German MEAL Study: Triazole-derived degradation products and other selected metabolites/active substances
  • First total diet study in Germany: The MEAL study (meals for exposure assessment and analysis of foods)
  • Residues of triazole-derived degradation products and other analytes in food samples in ready-to-eat condition

Jochen Heidler, German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), Germany

Coffee break
Cumulative dietary exposure to pesticide residues
  • Study into the acute cumulative dietary exposure to two groups of pesticide residues in the Netherlands
  • Comparison of results with an earlier Dutch study
  • Developments regarding cumulative dietary exposure to pesticide residues within the EU

Polly Boon, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), The Netherlands

Cumulative risk assessment of pesticides: update on EFSA’s activities
  • Retrospective cumulative dietary risk assessment of craniofacial alterations induced by pesticide residues and other ongoing assessments
  • Implementation of the prioritisation exercise
  • Prospective risk assessment

Sara Levorato, European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Italy

Final Discussion
End of the first day
Joint evening event
After the first conference day you are most welcome to attend our evening event for an unhurried evening of good food and leisure time. Please join us to continue the day’s interesting discussions in a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere.

Thursday, 20 April 2023

Morning Session | 09:30 – 14:20 CEST
Brief welcome by the chairs

Monika Bross, BASF, Germany
Caroline Harris, Exponent, United Kingdom

Dietary Risk Assessment and Evaluation of Metabolites
Development of new guidance on toxicological evaluation of pesticide residues in relation to the implementation of re-evaluation of pesticides in Japan
  • Framework of risk assessment of pesticide residues in Japan
  • New guidance on toxicological evaluation of pesticide residues including re-evaluation
  • Current issues in toxicological evaluation

Midori Yoshida, formerly Food Safety Commission of Japan (FSCJ), Japan (virtual presentation)

Update from the UK on consumer risk assessment including chronic dietary exposure assessments, modelling and GB MRLs
  • Models and calculation methods
  • Update on MRL processes for GB
  • Current “hot topics”

Emma Ingram, Health and Safety Executive (HSE), United Kingdom

News and challenges in dietary risk assessment
  • Residue definition and new data provided for product registration
  • Metabolites and risk assessment

Christian Prohaska, Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES), Austria

Coffee break
Introduction of the Pesticide Residue Intake Model (PRIMo) revision 4
  • Background information: EFSA’s RPC consumption database, application of the exposure assessment methodology in the model
  • New features of the web-based tool

Zsuzsanna Horvath, European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Italy (virtual presentation)

OECD Residue Definition Guidance: the latest update
  • A closer look at the revised guidance and decision schemes
  • Timelines and steps for publication

Michael Doherty, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), United States of America
Dee Murnane, Syngenta, United Kingdom
Isabelle Pilote, Health Canada Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA), Canada

Update on JMPR’s less-than-lifetime dietary exposure model (GECDE)
  • GECDE model introduction
  • Linking residues to foods
  • Reflection on GECDE results

Trijntje van der Velde-Koerts, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), The Netherlands

Final Discussion
End of the conference and Lunch






Polly Boon

Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), The Netherlands

Polly Boon is an dietary exposure expert who has been working in the field of dietary exposure modelling since 1999, first at Wageningen Food Safety Research and since 2010 at the RIVM. She is project leader coordinator of the WHO Collaborating Centre on Chemical Food Safety and is a member of several EFSA workgroups. She has also contributed as dietary exposure expert to several meetings of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA).


Monika Bross

BASF, Germany

Monika Bross is analytical chemist by training; she has been working at BASF Agricultural Center in Limburgerhof for more than 30 years. Within BASF she has been involved in the conduct of residue and metabolism studies, but also in dietary exposure assessments and the preparation of dossiers for international submissions. She is member of association expert teams dealing with residue related topics (including MRL setting) and the implementation of the EU Transparency Regulation.


Michael Doherty

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), United States of America

Michael Doherty’s professional career started with the Pesticide Degradation Laboratory in the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service, where he spent 13 years working on pesticide residue profiles in soil and environmental modeling. In 1997, Michael joined the EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs’ Health Effects Division as a residue chemist and risk assessor. Over the years, his role in OPP has taken a more international focus as a member of the OECD’s Residue Chemistry Expert Group and as a member of the FAO panel to the JMPR.


Viktoria Eriksson

CropLife Europe, Germany

Viktoria Eriksson studied Biochemistry (BSc), Informatics (MSc) and holds a PhD in Biological Sciences. She has been working with Bayer since 2013 where she coordinated the introduction of IUCLID for plant protection products and lead several initiatives supporting the ongoing efforts related to IUCLID. She has been part of the Crop Life Europe Electronic Submissions Expert Group (CLE eSEG) with focus on IUCLID since 2021.


Caroline Harris

Exponent, United Kingdom

Caroline Harris is the Centre Director for Chemical Regulation and Food Safety in Exponent International’s UK office. After many years as a Regulator at CRD, she continues to be involved with MRLs, import tolerances and pesticide residues in international trade. She also remains highly active in the field of consumer risk assessment.


Jochen Heidler

German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), Germany

Jochen Heidler studied biochemistry and holds a PhD in Environmental Health Sciences. He joined the BfR in 2008 and has been working as a Scientific Officer in the Department of Pesticide Safety since 2012. His main task is the evaluation of analytical studies in the context of pesticide approval and authorisation procedures. He is also a member of the National Expert Group for Pesticide Residue Analytical Methods (EPRA) and the Joint Meeting on Pesticide Residues (JMPR).


Zsuzsanna Horvath

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Italy

Zsuzsanna Horvath has been working as scientific officer - exposure assessor at the European Food Safety Authority since September 2016. She supports different fields taking part in the development and application of new methodologies for dietary exposure assessment. She contributed to several scientific opinions and reports on various contaminants (e.g. dioxins, ochratoxin, tropane-alkaloids), food additives (e.g. sweeteners, sulphites), nutrient intake assessments (total- free- and added sugars). She currently coordinates the project on the update of the Pesticide Residue Intake Model.


Emma Ingram

Health and Safety Executive (HSE), United Kingdom

Emma Ingram holds a degree in Chemistry with toxicology and forensics and has been working as a Scientific Officer for HSE since 2015, undertaking assessment of data submitted in support of pesticide active substances, products and MRLs in accordance with Reg. (EU) 1107/2009 and Reg. (EC) 396/2005, with a strong focus on consumer risk assessment. She is part of a GB working group considering how chronic risk assessment is undertaken in the UK across government organisations and is leading on the development of a GB toxicological reference value database.


Klaus Leder

Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES), Austria

Klaus Leder studied technical Chemistry in Vienna and has been working at AGES since 2011. At AGES, he was involved in the assessment of plant protection products as well as active substances. In 2019, he became overall coordinator for active substances for which Austria is responsible (new & existing). He has been onboard with the IUCLID project from its first start in November 2019 and is also a member of the EFSA PSN Group as well as the IUCLID subgroup dealing with further development of that tool.


Sara Levorato

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Italy

Sara Levorato has been a Scientific Officer in the Methodology & Scientific Support Unit of the Risk Assessment Services Department of EFSA since 2020. She is involved in the coordination and implementation of activities related to human health risk assessment of combined exposure to multiple chemicals. Her role focuses mainly on the management, harmonisation and optimisation of toxicological information supporting scientific assessments.


Britta Michalski

German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), Germany

Britta Michalski is a Chemist by training and has been working in the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) since 2004. She is Head of the Unit Residues and Analytical Methods in the Department Pesticides Safety. Her group is involved in MRL setting, approval and authorisation procedures for pesticides and biocides. Britta is member of OECD’s Residue Chemistry Expert Group and since 2016 she has been leading EFSA projects in the area of processing factors for pesticide residues in food.


Dee Murnane

Syngenta, United Kingdom

Dee Murnane has been working within the crop protection industry for more than 30 years, starting out in residue chemistry and latterly in human safety assessment. She is a Product Safety Global Project Lead at Syngenta focussing on new active substance projects, and leads the CropLife Europe Residue Definition Group; she is also a co-lead of the OECD Working Group on Residue Definition.


Isabelle Pilote

Health Canada Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA), Canada

Isabelle Pilote has a Bachelor of Science in Biology and has been working at the Health Canada Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) for over 20 years, in the evaluation of human exposure to pesticides. She has been a manager since 2011. Recently a new group was created at the PMRA for the evaluation of cumulative risk assessment which she is leading and managing.


Christian Prohaska

Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES), Austria

Christian Prohaska studied food and biotechnology in Vienna. He worked for public bodies dealing with the risk assessment of plant protection products before he gained a postgraduate degree in toxicology and started working at AGES in 2002.


Monika Richter

CropLife Europe, Germany

Monika Richter is a Food Chemist by training. In 2007, she joined BASF’s Consumer Safety group at its global agricultural solution headquarter in Germany. Working in metabolism, residue analysis and on other R&D related tasks for active substance approval, her focus is on Food Safety, Food Value Chain and MRLs. Since 2018, she has been leading BASF’s Global MRL & Trade team. She is also active in various association teams and chairs the MRL setting group at CropLife Europe.


Xavier Sarda

French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES), France

Xavier Sarda holds a PhD in Agronomy and Molecular Biology. After 12 years of research in the private sector he switched to regulatory affairs at ANSES in 2006. He is Head of the Residue and Food Safety Unit in charge of pesticide and biocide consumer risk assessment and has been involved in several international working groups developing methodology for risk assessment. He is currently chairing the OECD working group drafting a guideline to set MRL in honey.


María Tabernero

European Commission, Belgium

Since 2019, Maria Tabernero has been working for the European Commission as a Policy Officer at the Directorate General for Health and Food Safety dealing with EU Regulations on pesticide residues in food and feed. Before, she was a researcher at several public and private scientific institutions and has a PhD in biochemistry and molecular biology.


Midori Yoshida

Formerly Food Safety Commission of Japan (FSCJ), Japan

Midori Yoshida was Commissioner at the Food Safety Commission of Japan (FSCJ) between 2015 and 2021 and retired in June 2021. Her main focus at FSCJ was the dietary risk assessment of chemicals and development of toxicological evaluations of pesticides and veterinary medicinal drugs including the production of guidelines or guidances on the evaluations. She previously worked for the National Institute of Health Science within the Ministry of Health Labor and Welfare. She has been attending JMPR as a WHO expert since 2008.

van der Velde-Koerts

Trijntje van der Velde-Koerts

Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), The Netherlands

Trijntje van der Velde-Koerts is a Scientific Employee Food Safety at RIVM, where she acts as a residue and dietary exposure expert in the field of pesticides and veterinary medicines. She has been a member of the JMPR since 2008.



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